Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Beauty Way of Birth

The Sacred Pregnancy Movement talks a lot about living in the Beauty Way. It's a most wonderful topic to explore.

To me, the Beauty Way speaks to me of the nourishing depths that can be found in the intricacies of life...consciously living in divine alignment with the quiet, but strong voice of the wise being within. The beauty way manifests in the attention to detail and the amazing sense of PRESENCE that comes from this...

fully entering and engaging with the moment by nurturing and embellishing it.

My little unique gestures of the beauty earthy headscarf wrapping my hair...a drop of fragrant Indian oil on my journal... singing mantras to my babies as they fall asleep...

I love the idea of leaving a space more rich than when I entered it. I have always struggled with a sense of 'having' beauty, I've never felt it was something I held myself. There's a lot of baggage there. But thinking and feeling deeply into the Beauty Way has taught me that beauty is a 'doing' word, not a 'being' word.

It is something that is dynamic, active, flowing, full of LIFE, not static and arbitrary. Engaging in the Beauty Way firmly places me in the present, exactly where I am most nourished to be. Mindful, conscious, grateful and blissful...YUM!

Copyright Sacred Whisper Bellingen/ Sammi Cambray 2014

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